Saturday, June 18, 2011

Memorial Day

I've decided to stop being choosy with the photos I put up. I will put up every picture I love, especially since my posts will mainly be pictures now. Ben took these photos. As you can see, he is a much better photographer than me. He's just done a more thorough job of figuring out the camera.

This Creegan kid is so beautiful!

He sure loves his mama!

I love this picture because you can see that Peter just watches Eddie and does everything he does!

Brothers! Handsome brothers, at that!

Feeding the turtles goldfish crackers.

The geese took over for the turtles. I love that you can see Peter pointing at a goose.

I love pictures of Eddie and Peter together. Once again, Peter is following Eddie.

Can you believe I have a son this big?!?! He will be FIVE in a couple of weeks!!

Peter is so handsome! His eyes and smile are astonishingly beautiful!

Peter has never liked swings, so I am surprised he got on this and seemed to enjoy it.

1 comment:

mudderbear said...

You are beautiful too, Melanie. And I agree with everything you said. You have a wonderful family