Thursday, May 22, 2008

May 15-21, 2008

We are really impressed that Peter already folds his arms for prayers!

We are also really impressed with how well he holds his head up. He was doing this at the hospital, too!

Eddie has had to take over laundry responsibilities, as I am just too busy to keep up!

Brothers bonding. So precious to a mom.

Peter smiling! I really do think Peter is a very happy person as he smiles often, usually in his sleep. I can always tell when he's about to smile. He smiled in his sleep when we were still in the hospital. He has smiled while awake in response to my and Eddie's voices, which is unusual this early on.

Eddie loves to eat "beggy" (breakfast-actually cereal as he asks for it throughout the day). He's adorable when he drinks his milk.

I made Eddie water balloons for the first time. It brought back great memories from when I was a kid. My mom must have spent hours filling the cooler with water balloons; this little bowl took long enough to fill! E loved throwing them, but got frustrated if they didn't break after a few tries.

Best of all, we are surviving our first week of being home together without help. There are difficult moments, but it is much smoother than I expected. We are having fun and are very happy! I love my boys!


Camille said...

You all look like you are doing great! Eddie looks very happy to be a big brother. I love the water balloon idea! I will definitely have to try that one of these hot days.

JoAnna said...

I feel surprised that you are all so active and moving along. It sounds like everything is going well, which I am very glad to hear. Really cute pics! I can't believe how grown up and big Eddie looks now! And his hair is looking red to me...

Crystal said...

It's good to hear you are doing so well. You are such a cute mama and do fun things with Eddie. I love how you document their lives so well and the humor you add to it.

mudderbear said...

Love that first picture...I think we can really see Peter as he is. His hair looks much more blonde. And are his eyes going to be brown??

Glad to hear you are doing well. It's hard to not be close enough to be available, and of course I am aching to hold both boys as well as my own little boy.

Heather said...

Adorable boys! I told you Eddie would be a helper... send him my way, I have laundry up the ying yang and I don't think that's a goood thing, could use the help! Good Luck looks like you're doing wonderful!

Cope girls said...

You've got such talent at young ages-vacuuming, laundry, praying,etc...Someday I'll learn your secrets! You really are a great mom, and I'm happy for you guys. You've got lucky kids to have you both. Glad things are good!