Thursday, March 25, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We got a little visit from a "leopard" (Eddie couldn't remember the word leprechaun, and he had no idea what one was) on St. Patrick's day.

Eddie's favorite part was the green milk.

Ben and I enjoyed the mostly green breakfast.

We also had a green dinner the next day, but I forgot to get it picture of that.


Lindy Salmon said...

Green milk :) and a lot of it. Yum. You are so festive! I love the "leopard" prints. I need to be better about doing things like that for my girls. I hope you guys are doing well.

mudderbear said...

I am always so impressed by what you think of to do.

Jeni said...

So cute!!! I'll have to remember the green milk for next year!

JoAnna said...

I love you Mel! You're such a good example. I take notes when I read your blog so that I can be as good a mom as you!