Monday, April 18, 2011

Creeg's "Pinky"

Creegan now takes a pacifier!!! He's pretty particular about when he'll take it. He can't be hungry at all. He can't be too tired. It absolutely can't be during the night. His face must be pressed up against my chest. If conditions are perfect, he will take it and fall right to sleep. If it falls out, though, he wakes up immediately. It is great, though! I get to feed him less, and there are less times where he is crying and I can't do anything about it. Yay! Eddie and Peter call it his "pinky" cuz they think that that's what it's called on Megamind; I am pretty sure they are saying binky, though.


Krush said...

lol i think you're right although it's going to give me an excuse to rent it again. at first glance i thought now what?? someone broke a pinky?? so glad it wasn't.

JoAnna said...

So cute! I think binkies should be called life savers! Although I think we will try to delay it this time a bit. Rayne could not get by without it though- right from the start it helped so much.