Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ten Years Ago Today

Ten years ago today I started a summer job at American Express. That morning I was walked from the door of the department to my cubicle and introduced to my trainer/cubicle mate, whom I would spend roughly 640 working hours with that summmer. I remember he had to remove headphones he wore on the back of his head and turn from his computer in order to be introduced to me. He never turned back to his computer that day. The training began immediately. He took me to get a file that needed keying, talked me through keying it, then observed me keying files all day long. Each person that came to our cubicle that day complimented him on his haircut. From their surprised reactions, I assumed his hair must have been really long. I couldn't really get a feel for who he was; he wasn't easy to read. I never would have imagined that, ten years from that day, I would be his wife, that we would have the two most perfect little boys together, and that I would be so happy all because of him. I love you, Ben!


mcamp said...

awww isn't interesting how we are brought together

mudderbear said...

I like this story. Has it only been ten years?
You've been the best thing to ever happen to Ben..I'm quite sure of that!!

Iris said...

Time flies.....nice story