Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I have a son!

Today we got another ultrasound. The doctor requested it because she wasn't sure he was in the right position for birth. His position is fine, though. We got to see him in 3-D! He is the most beautiful person I have ever seen. His flat forehead and long eyes look like Ben. His little, round nose and slightly curved chin look like me. I can't believe he is ours. I can't stop looking at him. His head is huge! It is in the 99.8 percentile! According to his measurements, he currently weighs five pounds eight ounces. I wonder when he will be here! The next several weeks are going to drag...


JoAnna said...

I am going to cry! What a beautiful baby! He's real!!!!

The Damsel said...

He really does look like both of you! Wow! I am so excited!!!!!!!!! Hi Edison!

glockster17 said...

As always I am very late in my responses. It's nothing personal, I just have to look up all the words in a dictionary first.
What a handsome boy! I can not wait to meet him.