Eddie has been into pushing our chairs over. This morning, after tipping a chair, he tried pushing it around. Somehow he got his foot stuck under one of the legs. He continued to hold onto the chair, pushing his weight down on the chair and ultimately hurting his foot even more. He cried out, and I helped move the chair off his foot. I gave him a hug. These days when he stops crying after getting hurt, he returns to the scene of the accident to point to whatever hurt him and talk about it. He was very upset when he was talking about it. So I shook my finger at the chair and said, "No, chair. Don't hurt Eddie." He proceeded to shake his finger at the chair and say, "No, no." He continued to point to all the chairs to tell me to tell them not to hurt him. It was very interesting!
Of Carrots and Chord Progressions
5 years ago
That is interesting. I think it's neat that he goes back to what hurt him to talk about it- very mature :) to get those feelings out. And that he would identify it with all the chairs and tell them not to hurt him. So cute too- I imagine his little voice "no, no."
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