Sunday, September 28, 2008


Eddie recently saw The Piglet Movie (he calls it "the tiger movie"). His favorite part is when all the characters march around while Christopher Robin plays a drum, and they sing a song about going on an expedition. Now Eddie is always marching around, pretending to play a drum, and singing "oh life of a bear, oh eckidition". So cute! See for yourself! Unfortunately you'll just have to imagine him singing.


mudderbear said...

That is the cutest thing ever! He really lifts those feet high.

JoAnna said...

Oh! I just love seeing your babies! They are so darn cute.

The Damsel said...

I love how he seems to get distracted by the camera...

Emlyn said...

Your kids are so cute! I am reading "The Book Thief" right now too... what do you think of it?

Cope girls said...

That's so funny, Jonah and I marched around the house a lot last summer singing that same song. It's catchy eh?! Very cute. Miss you guys