Eddie is only 20 months old today. I don't have plans to potty train him anytime soon. I am a slow mover (apprehensive). I want him to determine his own timing for everything, so I actually feel nervous even having a potty chair in the house. Eddie is obsessed with peeing, though. He is very interested when we pee, especially Daddy. He tells me throughout the day that he peed. I haven't yet been able to determine if he is aware when he is actually peeing or not. I just figured that it wouldn't hurt to have a potty chair sitting around the house. Eddie loves it. It is his new favorite toy. Here are some pictures of him exploring it.
"I pee!"
He just threw the little bowl.
Phewf! Toilet play wears him out!
Of Carrots and Chord Progressions
5 years ago
My little brother potty trained himself. I wish it was that easy. I feel the same as you, I want B. to do it when he's ready. I think sometimes too that potty training is often times about training the parent. For example-being patient even when your kid pees and poos on the floor, on their bed a lot. Also, having patience when you have to remind your kid every 30 minutes to go to the bathroom. I should have potty-trained B. when I was pregnant because I spent so much time in the bathroom anyway:)
Sometimes I think I'm just being lazy. Other times I think I'm just letting B. do it on his own time. Good luck!
Hey Mel....I think I had a little potty thing for Sara since about 20 months...I wasn't brave enough to get her own toilet...too gross for me...I just get the seat you put on the toilet...any way...I always offered it as an option but never pushed it...now just 2 days ago (at 33 months) she decided that it was time to go in the big potty...she's been wearing underwear all day except for car rides and hasn't had an accident....let's hope it lasts.
That's cute. I've heard that a good way to train them is to just have it around, like a toy or something. Let me know how it goes. I'll be asking for advice someday!
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