Monday, February 18, 2008

Sleepy Boy

I know every child eventually falls asleep in random places, but I could never imagine it happening to Eddie. He has always had such a hard time falling asleep. He tries hard, but it takes a lot of work and and time. Last Wednesday, though, he actually feel asleep in his chair after eating lunch. I couldn't believe it. I washed him off, got him out, changed his poopy diaper, and put him to bed-all while he was asleep!


mudderbear said...

In relation to all the other very busy looking posts, I'm not surprised he fell asleep....bless his heart.

JoAnna said...

Maybe this is my favorite pic! But in a different way. This one makes me laugh in an "oh so cute" way. The hugging one makes me cry in an "oh so cute" way :)

Crystal said...

That's impressive that you did all those things and he didn't wake up.
Just a little while ago I finished reading Beepers his bedtime stories and then he said to me, "now go out so I can go to sleep." The comment nearly floored me because you know I've complained a lot about his sleeping. His sleeping habits have changed so much in the past month and a half. I wish it wouldn't have taken so long, but he just wasn't ready until now.
Binkers is a completely different sleeper. Hopefully your next baby will be a little bit better sleeper. ;)

mudderbear said...